Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP)


The Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP) is a multi-stakeholder initiative launched by the Swiss coffee industry, the Swiss government, civil society, and academia to promote sustainability in the coffee sector.

The SSCP brings together SMEs, roasters, processors, traders, coffee shops, universities and research institutions, NPOs, other coffee-related stakeholders and the public sector to jointly address sustainability challenges and opportunities in the coffee value chain.

To drive action in producer countries, together with its members and with the support from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the SSCP will facilitate projects addressing key issues around sustainability in pro-ducer countries.


All organizations with a demonstrated link to Switzerland may apply for membership. Member organizations endorse commitments outlined in the "SSCP Declaration of Intent", the "Bylaws of the SSCP" and the "Membership Fees of the SSCP".

Application for SSCP Membership

Further information

Further information regarding member commitments, organizational set up, and financial structure can be found in the
